Saturday, September 30, 2006


Stupid Shortie.

Stupid Bouncies.

Stupid People.

Stupid Posts.


That was better.

Much better.

I'm starting to slack off again.

Don't let it happen that way... I don't think I can stand it.

What do I do now?

I think I wanted to say something.


Some people...

The last time I played comp games was 2.5 months ago btw. For 15 mins.

How many people actually read my blog? I think if I consider the tagboard response time, mentioning of me, the average links and the compounded tags,

I really don't know.

Uncyclopedia is getting better and better.

Since I have time... let me look around at others' blogs

Hansiang is not updating like before. Winston writes long posts, with a nice blogskin (duh I helped) Chris keeps it for his tagboard. Rahul needs a better font. Jinming copied mine. Ram's skin is damn wierd and his posts are strange (hey tts a compliment, its supposed to be). Kenrick stop changing skins, I can't read the font anyway. Roslyn's is pink, which I don't like. Bingjie's is also pink (actually its red but you get what I mean right?) Yichian's is firefox incompatitable. Xinyi has one post this year. One. Ronald's looks heartbroken, and his Star Wars crap is crap. Lorna's skin looks... black.

But I like mine best =)
When the neglet is severe, the patient might behave almost as if one-seventh of the week had abbruptly ceased to exist in any meaningful form....People like me behave not only as if nothing were actually happening in Friday, but also as if nothing of any importance could be expected to occur there.

Yep. That's me. I can't even remember a single friday since I entered NUS High.

If you didn't understand that go back and read it again.

Well this friday, though...

I had to stay back to go to Nan Hua as they invited me there.

Principal dialouge setion was really good, only we're gonna get reshuffled (split) after yr 3. Also there is no way I can afford the hostel stay. No. Way.

Ahh... then I went to audi early, made a dramatic entrance from the back door and found tt they seperated the auditoriums. Nvm, went back down and a lot of really wierd stuff happened which I shall not mention here. Andre might, even though I bribed him with glass.

Movie (Rain Man) was interesting, but I still dont see why counting cards is not allowed in casinos?

Then I went to art room to finish my painting, but cut short, and it still sucks. But working on the paintings alone I think I realised a lot of things about it, eg draw your stuff bigger. It's easier to work alone. No distractions.

Then I went to comp lab to help winston with his blogskin, he says its too small, fixed liao, except for a small problem with the background. And the picture is pixellated.

Then to nhps, but so stupid, a lot of ppl didnt come.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Let me tell you a story about why I joke abt andre's height (or lack of it). I came to school. I looked and saw andre. I noticed some things about him. Then he comes up and makes fun of himself.

I never ever thought that height would ever be any more than a stupid number but you see this guy proved me wrong. Stupid really. Till now I still don't get why he cares about it. I can even say that a person's name matters more actually, eg I really can't imagine myself being called anything other than xuanji (or shuan gee), I'm not even used to the other, less polite terms I am reffered to by.

I don't like people who are always happy, somehow I also feel living between happy and angry is also not healthy, you who told me that I would suffer if I did not remove your link. PHS wishes to remain anonymous.

You feel better after blogging? Good for you.

How dare you get B+ for art while I got C. I will prove that I am better than you here.

Today me rahul and jinming stacked up some boxes behind the library to make a very very small area that they could fit into, took photos, then made an idiot movie, but since they don't write as often I'll say this first.

It's good.

I really wished that I had joined the SVA. I also really wished that I had joined music. Very big regret there. However mr anonymous gave me an idea. He took 3D art for 2 hrs (instead of AXIS, which we will now fail) and wtf ms ching let him. I mean she almost drove me out of class last sem, now she lets him take just like this... siao. Anyway you should know the idea I have.

Then the dog also seems addicted to making pots, I mean how many could you possibly make? But it's good lah, I suppose, maybe it would have been better to join 2D last sem, but I would miss the teacher.

I mean now your pots really look like greek pots... mine was an easter island statue pot, wtf? Ahh... at least it's very tall.

And the library glass door broke, I TOOK ONE OF THE GLASS PIECES!!! They're gonna throw the rest away, and I do not intend to let them carry out this cruel and inhumane plan. I'll find the bin. Anyone who still considers themselves part of NUS High should also do so, and go on strike until those responsible for this unimaginable horror are caught and sentenced to death, for I am sure they are taking a piece of NUSHS history for their own selfish ends!

Ok maybe not but the shattered glass does look kindoff nice.

Ram is writing lotr for insult-the-world, which to me is the closest thing to a class blog.

Winston is not happy. Poor guy. I remember he used to laugh a lot more in the past.

I don't feel like everything's right, cos it's not.

Why so many people, if not unhappy, seem to me to be? Really it is a lot. Is it affecting me? Strangely no, it doesn't feel like this, but after a while when I think I realise something is wrong.

More likely I'm just paranoid.

Hehe I could have known everyone's adress, alergies, operations etc. Dental form =)

There is only one Lord of the Ring, and he does not share power.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I have nothing better to do now.

Remember my "In the beginning I was made" crap? Bing msned me and asked me if I had the chance to consider, would I choose to be made? Actually he said I wouldn't as I am a B but lets overlook that.

Honestly, who wouldn't...
I wanna write a longer post but I can't think of anything. To wirte I mean.

Well... er school? Stupid math is still too easy. Chemistry test I screwed it up, the questions I did do I think I got them all correct, but that's not good as, erm, you should guess that I did mostly mcq... open-ended left last 2 blank. Gavel club got a new leaders. Better this way I suppose, but so sad that no year ones managed to make it. Then they made me do a debate, with the whole sector except Roy (moderator) and Christabell (can't spell) against me. They really hate me right?

Then rahul made this stupid list of anagrams of people in 101, shan't elaborate, but he did try love calculator on a lot of people (trust me it is a lot), and the highest result was, erm, let's just say, the short ones. Lol.

And I'll try to do something like that, only bigger. Better. with 625 (252) results. Hahaha.

Oh home econs, crap lah, we did some sort of pasta with mayonise, turns out quite good. But ms chan made me stay back to clean up for fooling around.

Hai. People all around the world are too serious. People in 101 are crazy and siao, fooling around etc. Me? I guess I can't tell. I don't feel the same, if you know what I mean. Well I know I think too much.

Don't look too much into others' past, for it may not be nice. Throught 13 years people will change alot, but don't count on it. For yourself, don't think about the past too much, don't let it control your life.

We live for a really short time isn't it?

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Yesyes as you can see I've put up some music, I like them. Hmm. I hate rock music, and I like new age music. That's about it. If you happen to disagree then I pity you, but I'm not forcing you to play it right?

The past week has been very trying, so having survived them, I feel kind of happy, like yay, I won that kind of happy. I wanted to right a longer post but can't, my mother wants me to stop using comp. If they knew how close the exams are (to them its close enough) I think they won't let me use at all. Anyway I don't really know when exams will start, but they are still limiting my comp time... not good. I remember there's this measure of addictedness, if you can't go without something for a month your addicted to it, well I'm not trying to prove I am not addicted to comp/msn, but still it seems that that is gonna happen.

George Tan = Agent Ogre. Tianlu showed me this, he told me "did you see the george tan anagrams" then he showed me. Nice.

I hate philosophical debates, because I feel that everyone is entitled to their own views, and debating about it is pointless and suicidal. Ok maybe not suicidal. There are some things that will never change about people, this is one of them. Still I c
an blog my thoughts on it etc, not counted as debate because in thins place what I say counts.


In the beginning I was made. I didn't ask to me made. No one consulted me or considered my feelings in this matter. But if it brought some passing fancy to some lowly humans as they haphazardly pranced their way through life's mournful jungle then so be it.
- Marvin the Paranoid Android

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Just a short post now...

Went to CKS's blog, nice bouncies. Now I'm thinking of putting smt like tt up, I bet I could create it myself.

How come no one realises... to the 13th question in my previous post, the answer is hidden. Twice. Look at the CAPITAL LETTERS to unscrew it.

And please, always remember me, no matter what happens to me (lightsaber...)

I managed to put three bouncies in a column:

and they bounced like siao, finally settled into what looks really sick (all three on top of each other). And you can play a game with it, remember Pong? Yes it works here.

It'll be nice to make them bounce ALL over the place, aka onto the posts, past the tagboard...
I am starting to get tired of this.

Name 11 ppl you can think of right now in your head. After that tag at least 5 ppl to do this.

8)Jia Qing

How did u meet #10?[chris]
Don't remember... er... TV show? Mindfreak?

What would u do if u nv met #2?[Ronald]
I wouldn't really care...

What would u do if #9 and #11 dated?[Xinyi and Kashing]

Do you like #7?[winston]
Erm. No.

Would #5 and #6 make a gd couple?[Lorna & Yichian]

Describe #3.[Andre]
I can't see him (jkjk). Well he's much better nowadays

Do you think #8 is attractive?[Jia Qing]
No, but Ch*hic* oops scratch that last bit off

Tell me somthing about #2.[Ronald]
Very sian.

Do you noe any of #4's family?[Rahul]
Err... Lorna? No I don't think I do

What's #5's favourite thing?[Lorna]
Erm.... Rahul? A bone?

What would u do if #3 confesses his/her love to you?[Andre]
I'll try really hard to wake up

What language does #6 speak?[Yichian]
Aside from the correct answer (english, chinese) , and the very obvious joke I can make (exactly how many languages?), erm, I dno. Third lang? Probably not.

Who is #9 going out with?[Xinyi]
Look if I say anything at all, I shall be sliced into tiny pieces with a lightsaber. I already pissed {the person I intended to put here} off enough. I Really Only Noe Answer Looks Depressed*

*Can't Hope ------ Is Stupid... he'll find out... hidden twice. First, then second. HINT

How old is #8 now?[Jia Qing]

When is the last time u talk to #1?[Hansiang]
Erm... On friday I last spoke to him that I planned to memorise the llama song (here's a llama, there's a llama, and another little llama), msn not counted

What's #2's favourite band/singer?[ Ronald]
One which shows a particular finger very often I expect

Would u ever date #7?[Winston]
Please shut up. No. Unlike him, I am not gay.

Would u ever date #11?[Ka Shing]
Define Ka Shing. Any way you define him, no.

5 ppl whom u want to pass this on.
Nope. I don't want any other people to suffer, anyway most of who I thought off already taken.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

My God I didn't realise that I disabled right-clicking, until I tried to do it with my laptop. WTF disabling right-clicking is a really stupid and meaningless thing to do, and also it doesnt prevent people from viewing the source or saving the stupid pictures.

And why shouldn't people look at the source? I completely support open-source, even though my itunes, my windows (Microsloth Windoze) and my IE (Internut Exploder) is not OS. Still I find OS not as good as propietry software. WTF. To those who hates Microsoft, hates software that costs $300+, you need to turn off disable right clicking.

Well... I found first. I found it before lorna posted and waayy before roslyn posted it, and I am trying to put it up. I wanted to include music when this blog started but I was afraid of all the copyright crap, only considered midi music like andy's blog, budden couldn't find any good songs. Now whee, there's something, although I don't understand all of it yet, do I need a seperate server? Because I have got one. 60 MB.

Set up the router, far faster than expected, and I didn't use the stupid wizards or CDs that I was supposed to, just let it install the drivers and do the rest myself. Always better to do it yourself.

However I can't open Windows Firewall on my desktop and thus I can't use itunes to share music. Unless I give up internet access or email or whatever and use the port for itunes. See stupid Microsoft, almost used up my hard disk space to install SP2 and all I get is IE preventing me from downloading stuff half of the time and I can't use my Azureus or itunes, what kind of crap is this.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Proof that 101=102


Short Proof

Long Proof
=1010 (ten in base 2)
I really want to write for insult-the-world.

It'll be so fun, and quite frankly I can do much better. Anyway I also read lord of the rings, but However, you can't prevent me from writing on my own blog! Oh yes... I will. Maybe I'll write seperately, to make it nicer. Don't mix up my personal and my insulting posts.

Oh yeah... eg today I noticed chris's chair thingy, you can seat three people in it. And the original design had three foldable chairs stuck together. How nice. Chris sits on the left, ronald on the right.


I was worried of this though, my tagbox is like almost empty except for CKS's tags. I mean if no one tags or I replaced the tagbox (due to crap on it) then no one visiting will tag, so er, re-tag or something ok?

Ahh... screwed for IP. I have to do something really good or I'll fail.

Donno wad to do now. I went with phs to rooftop, he practice the flute thingy (hey 'dizi' is chinese) while I looked over the fence, err... thinking about myself, what happened in the past few days etc.

What I want to be. That sort of stuff.

Used the laptop, the wireless conection is damn faster than my wired one. Using lappy feels quite nice. Except the music is all on the other computer, and I am not going to transfer 6.5 GB of messy crap scattered all over my hard drive, but strangely sounds good when managed with iTunes.

Most likely I'll access my desktop remotely... through network. Then I can manage it with WMP

I'm thinking... what do we we associate with a person? When I think of someone, what do I think of? And is that all our lives are worth- what we do? What we achieve? What about what you have done? What about the parts of your life that only matters to yourself?

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I can levitate.


Like real.

2D art wasn't that good, my painting is horrible. Then I arrived home at 8pm.

I can also flip over the railings when they are much shorter, like next to the piano. Had to use bingjie as my guinea-pig though.

Got new laptop, its for my father but I prefer laptop instead, apart from the fact that there's no internet, no songs, no files, no nothing.

Well strangely I prefer that.

Chinese is starting to get better, they got a teacher to observe.

I didn't die for english, although as you probably know I am not good at writing, see up there?

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

10 favourites
Favourite colours: #006699 (aka dark blue)
Favourite food: chicken rice
Favourite songs: you want current one? or last week?
Favourite movies: Lord of the Rings
Favourite sport: jumping over railings
Favourite season: winter
Favourite day of the week: monday, for some reason
Favourite ice-cream flavour: vanilla

9 currents-
Current mood: pissed
Current clothes: I feel insecure
Current desktop: Using a green bacground from deviantart.
Current toe nail colour: ....
Current time: 9:26:51 PM
Current surroundings: what surroundings?
Current thought: how can I surivive tomorrow?

8 first-
First bestfriend: Someone from st anthony's... sean I think
First crush: I can leave blank right?
First movie: Don't remember
First piercing: Ahh yes I clearly remember it. Stapler bullet, just before dismissal.
First lie: when I said that I didn't lie
First music: er first music I didn't care abt title etc but I later found out they're all westlife. All. Really.
First car: Nothing.

7 last-
Last cigarette: What's a cigarette?
Last drink: Coke Gold
Last car ride: I think it was last month?
Last crush: Come on, no one answered this
Last movie i had seen: Matrix Reloaded
Last phone call: Don't remember
Last cd played: I own about 3 cds. ($$$)

6 Have you ever-
Have you ever date one of ur bestfriend: no
Have you ever broken the law: I littered.
Have you ever arrested: Well as a member of the SS I have full rights to arrest people.
Have you ever kiss someone that you dont know: no.

5 things that you're wearing: I really feel insecure.

4 things that you have done today: Lept over railings, Handed up history assignment 6 hrs late, replaced tagboard, listened to itunes

3 things you hear right now: Stupid song stuck in my head

2 things that you can't live without: my sense of sight and sound

1 thing you do when you're bored: I think about why I am bored
Found something nice about itunes, if I click on the album artwork, it appears in a new window with the title in the taskbar! So when itunes changes my songs I can see what it changed it to.

Don't write 'it's to much. Ahh... chem!

When limewater was added to rahul's tounge, it (the tounge) turned blue.
When diluted HCl was added, it reacted with him to form a new bright red opaque suspension (blood)
When concentrated HCl was added, a new solution was formed. I know it is a soulution as it was clear. (rahul dissolved)

Will I be banned from the lab?

Most of my songs library, I haven't listened to. And when I do it manually it sounds horrible, maybe I'm not patient or anything. Better to let party shuffle do the job, except some songs just so damn loud compared to others.

Hey nice... it picks rather nicely. Wonder if it conects to the internet to decide...

Ahh... I remember bingjie showed me how to flip over railings in the concourse, someone took a video. Flipping over feels so great, too bad it only lasts so short. I would have said it feels like flying except ahem, I've only flown on a plane.

Trying to make the english presentation a bit less offensive, I am really afraid if it's too much ms sim will skin me alive. Either that or I could learn how to commit suicide within 5 mins with people trying to stop me (see I can't do it now as I only have the strength when a worse fates awaits), I've seen TV where they smash their head against the wall. Or I could fail to hand up math file, both options sounds the same.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I have been tagged! by: yichian


Yes well I suppose this means I will not do the quiz. No actually I didn't understand the instructions, and read ahead, and so I obviously can't do it now. Maybe I can find another one?

How did anyone resist looking further/farther/futhur/furthur/fathur

Well I have some things to say about it, firstly no one will do anything risky, eg... er... well certain names I will never include.

Now I have to rush my history and english. Lucky I got itunes.

Monday, September 18, 2006

...i will nv become a mere memory...
...maybe tis is all a dream....
...u nv exisited...
...neither did i... is a fantasy waiting 2 be finished....

Sounds familiar?

Yup well that's R*****'s blog. Right on the front page.

Personally I found it very wierd... until I went to C****'s blog, and found somewhat the same thing. Except C****'s blog sounds more like 'don't abandon me' and R*****'s one sounds more like... ald abandoned, if you read closely. =p

PS I do not mention names

This is to thank R***** for spamming my tagbox. Idiot.

Never do that. I had to remove my tagbox.

To C**** and X**** sorry, but he asked for it, had to, lalalala. Notice I didn't write anything on your tagbox, lalala.

On to my case proper.

Ahh... Well I managed to barely live through a weekend and a monday. In the past my mood was measured by days, usually one week enough to change, but now its more of like in half-hours. But now all I can remember is I watched two movies on TV, I think one of them was 'The Family Man' other was definitely Matrix Reloaded. Really I prefer just the first one, far better, but good enough.

Found a nice place behind audi, wrote my PSL application. I'm gonna have to campaign alone. But I'm not worried. I can handle that.

Yes. Yes.

Well... people are starting to say 'wan sui wan sui wan wan sui' to Mr Ho, but I keep laughing. Have to work on that.

I can't remember anything else.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Done all the movies.

However I do need a way to make them viewable from anywhere.

Aww well. I dno why but I'm running for PSL. What are they supposed to do? All I know is tt they rune n PSL elections (PSLE), and take orientation. I hope the current year 2 (aka nxt year yr 3) don't get to be PSLs, think abt what they would think, of me running.

Am I suppose to make a speach? Not sure, if individual yes, maybe, but if campaign together? I think there'llbe a lot of ppl going for it. But then on the bright side, at least I'll get to practice making a speach in front of the whole school, although I'm hoping not.

However I did hear tt there's some sort of 'filtering', based on the stupid form. Lol if everyone gets 'filtered' out except me, and I have to mak speach alone, IF I AM FORCED TO DO IT, well...

Still it'll be nice to corrupt the yr ones next yr.

Forgot to mention... Blog opened. =) However the profile etc is all on one page, dun like tt. Maybe I'll try to fix it later... End-of-year hols?

Uploaded all my fotos to photobucket, then surprise surprise... They let me play it lik a slideshow. I almost thought I had to do it my self. phew. Its quite nice, except max 30, no controls on page, and damn troublesome to figure out how to upload for the first time.

Off course I'm too lazy to do the same to the other 50+ fotos and the other pidgeon-chase vid.

Oh yeah I can't even view my own blog. BJ says he can, so tt comfirms it: I screwed it. Maybe he actually checked.. no no impossible (jkjk). Thus, went to use preview on the template, bud now I can't look at the other blogs.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Oh yeah my photobucket a/c is xuanji06.

Went to little India to take fotos for 2D art class to "train" us in composing photos. But srsly I don't think anione learned much, but it was fun, tt's enuff. We ha to walk from City Hall to Bugis (smt like tt), carrying bags,and I brought the Chinese dictionary for compo.

Forgot to bring 1GB memory card, only can take 11 normal fotos, but I switched to lowest quality, took 80+ fotos and 2 vids. Vids take up alot of space (abt 30 fotos). Still it was worth it, I still can't believe the pidgeons there are so trusting, I could walk to within 50cm and they still didn't fly off. Chased them, took the video.

How to upload video? Convert it to flash (for compression) and then upload to Geocities. I love flash.

{16 Sept 2006} Switched to another file-hosting site, Geocities limits my bandwidth.