Saturday, September 23, 2006

My God I didn't realise that I disabled right-clicking, until I tried to do it with my laptop. WTF disabling right-clicking is a really stupid and meaningless thing to do, and also it doesnt prevent people from viewing the source or saving the stupid pictures.

And why shouldn't people look at the source? I completely support open-source, even though my itunes, my windows (Microsloth Windoze) and my IE (Internut Exploder) is not OS. Still I find OS not as good as propietry software. WTF. To those who hates Microsoft, hates software that costs $300+, you need to turn off disable right clicking.

Well... I found first. I found it before lorna posted and waayy before roslyn posted it, and I am trying to put it up. I wanted to include music when this blog started but I was afraid of all the copyright crap, only considered midi music like andy's blog, budden couldn't find any good songs. Now whee, there's something, although I don't understand all of it yet, do I need a seperate server? Because I have got one. 60 MB.

Set up the router, far faster than expected, and I didn't use the stupid wizards or CDs that I was supposed to, just let it install the drivers and do the rest myself. Always better to do it yourself.

However I can't open Windows Firewall on my desktop and thus I can't use itunes to share music. Unless I give up internet access or email or whatever and use the port for itunes. See stupid Microsoft, almost used up my hard disk space to install SP2 and all I get is IE preventing me from downloading stuff half of the time and I can't use my Azureus or itunes, what kind of crap is this.


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