Wednesday, September 20, 2006

10 favourites
Favourite colours: #006699 (aka dark blue)
Favourite food: chicken rice
Favourite songs: you want current one? or last week?
Favourite movies: Lord of the Rings
Favourite sport: jumping over railings
Favourite season: winter
Favourite day of the week: monday, for some reason
Favourite ice-cream flavour: vanilla

9 currents-
Current mood: pissed
Current clothes: I feel insecure
Current desktop: Using a green bacground from deviantart.
Current toe nail colour: ....
Current time: 9:26:51 PM
Current surroundings: what surroundings?
Current thought: how can I surivive tomorrow?

8 first-
First bestfriend: Someone from st anthony's... sean I think
First crush: I can leave blank right?
First movie: Don't remember
First piercing: Ahh yes I clearly remember it. Stapler bullet, just before dismissal.
First lie: when I said that I didn't lie
First music: er first music I didn't care abt title etc but I later found out they're all westlife. All. Really.
First car: Nothing.

7 last-
Last cigarette: What's a cigarette?
Last drink: Coke Gold
Last car ride: I think it was last month?
Last crush: Come on, no one answered this
Last movie i had seen: Matrix Reloaded
Last phone call: Don't remember
Last cd played: I own about 3 cds. ($$$)

6 Have you ever-
Have you ever date one of ur bestfriend: no
Have you ever broken the law: I littered.
Have you ever arrested: Well as a member of the SS I have full rights to arrest people.
Have you ever kiss someone that you dont know: no.

5 things that you're wearing: I really feel insecure.

4 things that you have done today: Lept over railings, Handed up history assignment 6 hrs late, replaced tagboard, listened to itunes

3 things you hear right now: Stupid song stuck in my head

2 things that you can't live without: my sense of sight and sound

1 thing you do when you're bored: I think about why I am bored


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