Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Yesyes as you can see I've put up some music, I like them. Hmm. I hate rock music, and I like new age music. That's about it. If you happen to disagree then I pity you, but I'm not forcing you to play it right?

The past week has been very trying, so having survived them, I feel kind of happy, like yay, I won that kind of happy. I wanted to right a longer post but can't, my mother wants me to stop using comp. If they knew how close the exams are (to them its close enough) I think they won't let me use at all. Anyway I don't really know when exams will start, but they are still limiting my comp time... not good. I remember there's this measure of addictedness, if you can't go without something for a month your addicted to it, well I'm not trying to prove I am not addicted to comp/msn, but still it seems that that is gonna happen.

George Tan = Agent Ogre. Tianlu showed me this, he told me "did you see the george tan anagrams" then he showed me. Nice.

I hate philosophical debates, because I feel that everyone is entitled to their own views, and debating about it is pointless and suicidal. Ok maybe not suicidal. There are some things that will never change about people, this is one of them. Still I c
an blog my thoughts on it etc, not counted as debate because in thins place what I say counts.


In the beginning I was made. I didn't ask to me made. No one consulted me or considered my feelings in this matter. But if it brought some passing fancy to some lowly humans as they haphazardly pranced their way through life's mournful jungle then so be it.
- Marvin the Paranoid Android


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