Saturday, October 07, 2006

I think it'll be over soon.

Haha yes... finally cleared most of my homework. Ms Chua even thought I didn't hand up me reading journal, expected me to hand it in on Monday. Reading journal done!!!


So right now I don't even care if I fail math. Or chinese. Anything.

Ok I am a bit too happy. See sucess is the mother of failure.

Erm. Right.

Actually I hate weekends. Dun really like home now. I wish I did, but no choice.

Plan to spend more time in school, as soon as I find somewhere where there's no one (library). That has a table (behind audi). With breathable air (staircase).

What can I do now...? I need to find something to do. My art still sucks no matter what.

Er thinking of art makes me remember phs, makes me remember AXIS, which... just ended. Something a bit sad though. Our fated was determined in less than 2 hours, hello we spent a whole year on that... deep-fryer? and you grade it in 2 hours.

I still think something to do will come to me. Like winnie-the-pooh said,

Oh nevermind I'm done with quoting him, but he did say something like that. Can't remember.

Singapore's PSI is up to 145 as of now. Interesting. 3 times above normal.

I want to put some lyrics somewhere here but I can't find a nice place to put it.

Hey you know channel 8 has this show about ghosts? It's nice, except the time. If I count all my time spent watching TV I'll get about 0.5 hrs per day. And that's on the news. Ahh well, so what, I have better things to do.

Then again, maybe not.


Let me think about changing my links section. It's getting a bit lame now.

Can anyone enlighten me as to what I can do to take music next year? Really want to. Anyway a school which only lets me take limited nos. of humanities modules is really stupid.

I think Prof Lai is a bit too focused on the "Math and Science" part to realise that not all of us (me included) dun want to be scientists. Heck stop the assembly talks crap, or make them more interesting, or make me the principal.

And anyway put up more humanities modules!

My blog has been destroyed.


First time in my life that I have nothing to do, AND actually enjoy it.

I dno... do prisoners enjoy their last day before hanging? I think hanging people is really stupid.

And pointless.

If there were a new CCA, I would make it fencing.

Yeah... Jumping over fences! Nice... I would own it? Or maybe not. Well if I suggested it I can become the president and then I'll own it, in a way.

PSI decreasing...

I still can't find me tie. Oh yeah I losted it.

there anything about empty speculation: There. There are an agent of whole and while brought up the
-Stupid piece of spam


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