Monday, October 02, 2006

Er... pls dun spam my tagboard? Look whatever you say pls take responsibility for it. So now I have decided that my tagboard will abide by these rules. Rules of lower numbers have a greater precedence.

0. All deletation is subject to my discretion and I reserve the right to change these rules at any time.

1. I own the copyright to your shouts.

2. All shouts which cannot fit into one tagboard-length (aka you make me scroll down twice) shall be deleted.

3. All repeated posts shall be deleted.

4. All obvious impersonations shall be deleted.

5. No posts by me shall be deleted, except if found to be impersonations.

6. I hold no responsibility for any accidental deletions.

7. The tagboard is public property. Use it at your own risk and discretion. I hold no responsiblity for my actions if you decide to impersonate me. Any physical, emotional or psychological harm caused by me shall not be my responsibility. It is your moral responsibility to use this tagboard in a manner which does not harm you.

8. Anything you say can and will be used against you as evidence in a court of law.

9. All posters below 5 years of age need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

10.Rules 7-10 may be safely ignored. Failure to comply with said rules may result in instant post deletions or banning of IP in severe cases. Repeated offences may lead to a criminal offence under vandalism. Feigned compliance but subsequent impersonations may be punishable under identity theft, copyright infigement, or breakage of contract law. Asylum in foreign countries may lead to declaration of war by the Government of the Republic of Singapore.

The above rules are held to be true by The Right and Honorouble Shuan Gee.

Dun worry that wasn't someone who hacked me... erm my password is very hard to guess.

Today all I did was work on my painting, not much else, unless you consider chinese class, in which I got 7/10 for presentation in which I had 30 mins to prepare. Quite good right? And there was phs telling me to just go up and talk crap, at least I'll get 2 marks. Hah. I got more experience with dealing with teachers (who hands up h/w late more?) than you ok. When you need more time for presentation and you let others go first teach will let you.

Then I found out rahul phs etc their pots are...

Well if you have that much time make better pots larh, not 8 pots that look like...

All I can do now is work on me painting.

Oh yeah I just found my stack of history notes, and almost all my math quizes. Now I just have to fill in the history, and redo all my math assignments. Simple eh?

Seriously. I consider this rather good.

"If there's a buzzing-noise, someone's making a buzzing-noise, and the only reason for making a buzzing-noise that I know of is because you're a bee. And the only reason for being a bee that I know of is making honey... And the only reason for making honey is so I can eat it."


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