Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Ok! Something on censorship VS summary.

This is summary.

So I borrowed the car without permission, but Dad didn't have to hit the roof! I was only going to borrow for an hour or two but he acted as if I was never going to return it. I couldn't help it; Daddy persuaded me to stay a little longer to watch a movie at his house. But Dad wouldn't listen to my explanation. If you had seen him that night, he looked like a fire-breathing dragon, with smoke coming out of his ears. He was like a steaming volcano, about to explode. I knew I was in deep trouble when I saw that the lights were still on at 1 am. Usually, everyone would be sound asleep by then, which was why I had decided to come back at that hour. Alright, I'll admit it. wasn't because I was being considerate, but I was hoping to slip in with as little fanfare as possible. Of course, the minute I stepped in the door, all hell broke loose! Dad exploded in rage, and accused me of being irresponsible. I wasn't going to stand there in silence, passively submitting to his accusations. I mean, how could he accuse me of being irresponsible? I brought the car back without a scratch, didn't I? Who else could have borrowed the car, since only the two of us drive? He should have known it was me, when he saw the car keys gone and I wasn't at home. Besides, what was the point of asking when I knew he would probably say "No". Then he turned white with fury, and could barely speak-he was so angry that he almost had to choke out his words.

I borrowed the car to hit the roof for an hour or two. I couldn't help it; Dad wouldn't listen to my fire-breathing dragon, about to explode. I knew the lights were sound asleep, which was why I was being considerate. I was hoping to slip the minute I stepped in hell. Dad exploded the car. Who else could have borrowed the two of us? He should have known at home. Besides, what was the point of asking when could barely speak words?

I'll post censorship later.


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