Friday, October 27, 2006

I know I'm not supposed to write anything for now but then I have nothing to do now, really. Right now I've studied pretty much enough for the exams and if I take them now I should do about OK. But I want to do better than OK, so I'll revise more, but that's later. Anyway I didn't want my last post to be about certain people. I mean, it the 'bad' things about them.

Yeah now so nearing the end of the exams, which means that the school year is almost over, did you realise that? So yeah I learnt two things. 1)A lot can happen in one year 2)Very Very little can happen in one year.

I'm going overseas for holidays, for more than half a month. Not really looking forward to it.

I guess I don't show it when I am in a bad mood, because I learned long long time ago that if you show your bad mood, no matter if its angry or sad, no one will help you because of that, you may even worsen the situation. Reminded from AWIT, which andy's pm reminded me of, blah blah blah.

I saw some erm... what wassit... ah yes "xiao didi"s on the bus, from nan hua, strange I definitely wasn't like that in primary school, or maybe I forgot.

Went to school today, because there was the math thingy, but I didn't go there because I needed help, I went because 1)Mr Tan doesn't want me to and 2)I might help someone.

I don't want to get to next year and think what I should have done with this one.

Back to work now.


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