Friday, November 03, 2006

Finished exam at last. Today was the end (finishing) of the end (last exam) of the end (exam). But now I don't know what to do with free time, now that I have it. Also I don't even know if I can go to school on a normal day, without script-checking or Arts Fest not counted.

Then thery'll be the holidays, which I have never ever liked. This time we're going to go to China but I don't know if it'll make much of a difference, if we go to other countries it might be good, but there.... I guess I should wait and see before saying anything, but I can't help feeling not-so-good over it.

I never like holidays, staying at home for so long tends to make me depressed, not to mention bored. I would never be able to concentrate. It has been like this for the past, but maybe this time it'll be different. In sec school now, maybe it can change?

I want to make videos like the youtube ones. I have the sources (LotR dvd), I can rip them, I have flash, but trying to cut up the video and then importing it into flash seems stupid, and so does importing the whole 2+ hours in. And then doing it I'll get very bored.

Funny when you think about it, when you're under pressure and busy you can be quite enthusiastic about this sort of stuff, but when you got soooo much time in your hands you just don't want to do anything. At least, that's me.

But one thing I plan to do at least, is to improve my blogging (the text), went around looking at the proffesional (ie not personal) ones, got some ideas I can learn from. Over there even strangers comment.

For the arts fest I plan to help the class booth (duty) but seriously we should be more considerate than just that... if we just have a bunch of booths lying around it's going to be no fun at all. The people doing the real planning etc are somewhere else in the school. The people doing most of the work, however, are working on their class's... thingy.

If I were psl I could get this sort of stuff... not to mention something to do over the holidays.

Just recieved very very bad news about what's gonna happen on Monday when I don't have to go to school. Very bad news but I don't want to say what it is. I'm actually scared of it.

So... I'll save all my stuff about "next year we're year 2" until later. Too early to say.


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