Monday, November 20, 2006

Here are some grafitti corner pictures I took today, but I was in abit of a hurry so they might be abit blurred.

Went and got my results. 2.83. I think it's lower than my previous CAP. Since finding out that Wayne got 4.46, I have given up all hope and have since decided that a score of 3.5 would be very good for me. I don't want to try to hard. There are more important things I can do than worry about my CAP, although my mum says I must have high grades if I want to apply for university overseas, which is what I hope to do. Singapore just not good enough, haha.

Going off tomorow.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that
wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your
heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll
break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken.
You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old
one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll
eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too
much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds
you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.
Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid thatit will never begin.
So the booklists have arrived, and I don't believe it... the new books are so damn expensive. And at the start of last year they said the current books will last us for two years, and in the end we don't even use it, stupid, stupid, stupid.


This school is seriously screwed up, look at the module selection, because of some idiot people deciding that because "we are a math and science school", last year I didn't get to take lit or music which I wanted to, and this year Basic Musicianship is not availible to me. Great. I had no problems selecting all the math and science modules, core or otherwise. But when it comes to art and humanities...


3D Enrichment Level 2
Beyond Foundation Physics
Contemporary Art Theory & Practice Level 2
From Malaya to Malaysia: a History of Modern Malaysia (1874-1970s)
Great Journeys in Literature
Multicultural Music
The Changing Face of Agriculture

And I get to choose, among all these, a grand to total of...

One module.


I want 3D Enrichment (Almost failed 3d last sem, aww well at least there is 2D... what? No comtemperory art? So I can't take any art modules except 2D? idiots), Beyond Foundation Physics (Cos Physics this year was totally crap, and they have some"more
updated topics like Relativity Newtonian and Einsteinian, Quantum Physics, Particle Physics and Cosmology", I WANT IT, but they say physics will get really really hard as we move to higher years, so I force myself to let go), and Multicultural music. Chose the music.


My parents won't let me take violin, they think you need to either already know it or hire someone to teach you at home, even though it clearly states "Students reading this module must be absolute beginners." Bleh.


And you know what? As we move to higher years the required MCs for art and humanities grows lesser and lesser. Hey I came here because my math and science was good, NOT becuase I'm bad at humanities and arts of whatever.


Just thinking about it makes me mad.


Well moving on, I found a way to download songs from radioblogclub. So now instead of using limewire or bittorrent I can just find a song on and download it. Much faster, speeds are now around 50 kb/s, imagine comparing that to limewire or bittorrent, and you still have to search and download the torrent file! Lol, only problem is the song quality is quite low, most are 64 kbps and a few are 32 kbps. Nevermind, I'm fine with lower quality.

Went back to school to watch the concert. Quite nice, except for the stupid view. They should've put it in the audi.

Moving back we had the arts fest. Better than expected, made a profit of... wait I don't think I can reveal it here, right? Anyway we had to close early, if we had more paint we could have painted over the paint and leave the good ones alone so eventually it'll look better, too bad about the paint.

Ram has declared a "a rebellion against the price of the books in booklists for year 2s". I join!!!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


The official theatrical teaser trailer [for Order of the Phoenix] will be released on November 17, attached to the Warner Bros. film Happy Feet. It will be not be
available online until November 20, at earliest.

Damn. I'm leaving Singapore on the 20th. Maybe they'll show it on the plane.

Alot of people say that they feel sian / bored for the holidays. Well, I'm not. Maybe just a little bit tired.

Went back to school, got results, I'm happy with them, but my parents aren't. My history... I'm well aware that its below average but I looked through the paper, I had some questions which were near full marks. The low grades were mainly the second (0.5 / 5) and the last (4 / 10, and I knew, I knew that that question would appear).

Physics, well good enough for me.

Now, about that holiday. I don't think I'm ready for it to be next tuesday, its too soon, three weeks is a very long time. I don't have a specific reason for not wanting to go but its more of a gut feeling.

Something funny happened today.


Thursday, November 09, 2006

The last two days have been really boring, staying at home. And then I realised they're already buying arts fest materials, wow its next week, and we are mostly unprepared.

I am really addicted now to coke and mentos, they even made dominoes for the coke where one launch triggers another!!! It looks like a real fountain show where there are jets of water... if they make a water show with coke and mentos... Coke even has a challenge for such stuff.

It's waaay to late to change ideas, but I'm not thinking of that (coke and mentos xD, but how we afford "251 two-litre bottles of diet coke" and "1506 mentos mints"?), but there are still many things to decide other than the ideas.

For example wether we should have individual spaces to each person, or everyone work on one big...thingy? If we have individual then at the starting time (read: my shift yes above all I think about myself), most of the canvas will be unoccupied, for we have to leave some canvas space for the other 2 rounds/ shifts of peoples. The rest will be white. White.

But if we work on one big piece, everyone will mix their styles, itll look better, and people who come early will get to fix the general "idea" of the whole thing, so there'll be more people painting it when early, so it'll look better, so more people will join.

But what if we could clear the canvas in the meantime? Stick some paper to cover it and restart? Hey we only have that much canvas to use...

The only person in class who's standard of drawing looks enough like graffiti is andre, so if only 1 in 25 people (counted by number, not... nvm) can even draw decently there, then I think there'll be too little people going. Oh and they'll be paying for it. But maybe it'll look crap and then they will pay us to fix it in case their art teacher comesover

In graffiti I think you can graffiti your name on the work, if we allow people to graffiti their name as a "reward" for paying us to draw, then its a better incentive.

So yeah that's all I have to say.

Basically what I am doing now is researching websites on two topics that I find interesting, and there's a third one involving Harry Potter (again). And my video, but its kinda hard to work without ideas, you know?

What else... I went to school today, thinking its script-checking, but instead it turned out to be marking day. So I went back. Very stupid of me.

P.S. I have guessed what xlcrap means, its abit obvious. Overuse this shockingly insulting name and be prepared for my wrath. Overuse shall be defined as using it, mentioning it, or thinking about it.

Monday, November 06, 2006


I am working on something to put on youtube. Something funny, but if I can I will do serious as well. I do not want my second youtube video to be crap. The first one was the pidgeon chase video and generally it is a good video, people say its funny, but then its stupid anyway.

I have:

Lord of the Rings video, all three. Also have the soundtrack, both the 3-cd (live) amd 9-cd (ost) sets, and the one thats around 1 minit long each one.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, and the Chamber of Secrets. If you want the other 2 ones I can download them. Or borrow them. Or even buy them!

The Scripts for all the movies, as well as the books, stored on computer for searching.

DVD Ripper

Windows Movie Maker (don't laugh ok, its quite powerful)

Some ideas.

I need:

Ideas!!! Ideas on what to do with these. If I work on my current ideas which are mostly crap it could work out but it involves watching all the movies at least five times, to get the stuff to put in, so imagine how long editing will take, and so how long the whole damn thing will take.

It should be put onto youtube, so something that fits youtube style. Please, PLEASE gimme ideas. Please?
1. What time is it now?
4.08 pm
2. Name?
3. Nickname?
4. Missing?
5. What is the most recent movie you've seen in the theater?
Rain man
6. Eye color?
7. Place of birth?
Nanjing, China
8. Favorite foods?
anything I can eat
9. Ever been to Africa?
lol no
10. Ever been toilet papering (rolling)?
11. Love someone so much it made you cry?
12. Been in a car accident?
13. Croutons or bacon bits?
both r what?
14. Favorite day of the week?
anything that ends with y. especially thursday.
15. Favorite restaurant?
no idea
16. Favorite Flower?
paper ones
17. Favorite sport to watch?
18. Favorite drink?
water. sometimes it comes with lemon (i dno how to add tho). sometimes i add honey.
20. Disney or Warner Brothers?
warner bros have harry potter.
21. Favorite fast food restaurant?
22. What color is your bedroom carpet?
none lol.
23. How many times did you fail your driver's test?
i have a perfect score in that area.
24. Before this one, from who did you get your last e-mail?
this wasnt an email.
25. At which stores would you choose to max out your credit card?
im not planning on getting credit card
26. What do you do most often when you are bored?
sit there
28. Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest?
29. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond?
30. Who are you the most curious about their response to this questionnaire?
31. Favorite TV shows?
spongebob squarepants
32. Last person you went to dinner with?
my family
33. Ford or Chevy?
34. What are you listening to right now?
35. What is your favorite color?
blueish blue
36. How many tattoos?
37. How many pets do you have?
38. Which came first the chicken or the chicken egg?
the chicken hatched, went back in time, and gave birth to the egg.
39. How many people are you sending this e-mail to?
what email
40. What time is it NOW?
01. What is your full name??
Li Xuanji
02. What color pants are you wearing??
dark blue
03. What are you listening to right now??
Weird Al Yankovic - Which Backstreet Boy Is Gay.
What are the last four digits of your phone number??
05. What was the last thing you ate??
lunch. rice.
06. If you were a crayon what color would you be??
07. Last Person You Spoke To on The Phone??
08. The First Thing You Notice about the Opposite Gender??
wad do you think?
09. Do you Like The Person Who Sent You This??
no idea
10. What's Your Favourite Drink??
11. What's Your Favourite Alcoholic Drink??
root beer
12.What's Your Favorite Sport??
13. What's Your Hair Color??
14. What's Your Eye Color??
15. Do You Wear Contacts??
black i mean no.
16. Siblings and their ages??
1 sis, forgot age, but shes in pri 3 now
17. Favourite Month??
i dno really. any month which has at least 28 days
18. Last Movie You Watched??
rain man
19. Favourite Day of the Year??
the friday 13s
20. Are you too shy to ask someone out??
21. Summer or Winter??
22. Hugs or Kisses??
23. Relationships or One Night Stands??
relationships stupid question
24. Chocolate or Vanilla??
25. Who is most likely to respond??
26. Who is most likely to not respond??
27. Living preferences??
alive DUH
28. What's on your mouse pad??
er... my whole laptop cos my mouse is embedded inside?
29. What did you do last night??
sleep. dream.
30. Favourite flavour??
31. Can you touch your nose with your tongue??
32. What inspires you??
hmph I can inspire myself
33. Buttered/Plain/Salted Popcorn??
unpoped corn is best.
34. Favourite type of car??
one without the petrol which makes me feel nausea
35. Favourite type of flower??
paper ones
36. How many keys are there on your key ring??
37.Can you juggle??
as long as its 2 objects or less
38. Can you put your toes in your mouth??
39. Do you have a crush (or a relationship)??
40. Name of your crush/stead??
41. Star Sign??
42. Favourite Movie??
Lord of the rings. Ender's Game or HDM will probably be added once they finish filming.
43. Favourite Girl & Boy??
44. Ever Been Kissed By a Boy/Girl you like??
45. Favourite Brand?
46. Movies or Series??
series. i forget the entire movie within 48 hours.
47. Novels or short stories?
novels. actually both quite close.
48. Online chatting or SMS??
I dont have sms
49. Shoes or barefooted?
50. backpack or slingbag?

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Funniness is subjective.
The subjectiveness of funniness, is subjective. thus some people think funiness is subjective, and some don't.
The subjectiveness the subjectiveness of funniness is subjective. Thus some people think that the subjectiveness of funniness is subjective, but some think that it is not subjective, ie it is clear wether or not funiness is subjective.

I've decided there are enough things to do for the holidays. Its not one thing that decided it, but more of a total counting of stuff that I can do and then I decided that yes, its not gonna be hell for awhile. Awhile. is damn stupid.
Sorry, ok?

Friday, November 03, 2006

Finished exam at last. Today was the end (finishing) of the end (last exam) of the end (exam). But now I don't know what to do with free time, now that I have it. Also I don't even know if I can go to school on a normal day, without script-checking or Arts Fest not counted.

Then thery'll be the holidays, which I have never ever liked. This time we're going to go to China but I don't know if it'll make much of a difference, if we go to other countries it might be good, but there.... I guess I should wait and see before saying anything, but I can't help feeling not-so-good over it.

I never like holidays, staying at home for so long tends to make me depressed, not to mention bored. I would never be able to concentrate. It has been like this for the past, but maybe this time it'll be different. In sec school now, maybe it can change?

I want to make videos like the youtube ones. I have the sources (LotR dvd), I can rip them, I have flash, but trying to cut up the video and then importing it into flash seems stupid, and so does importing the whole 2+ hours in. And then doing it I'll get very bored.

Funny when you think about it, when you're under pressure and busy you can be quite enthusiastic about this sort of stuff, but when you got soooo much time in your hands you just don't want to do anything. At least, that's me.

But one thing I plan to do at least, is to improve my blogging (the text), went around looking at the proffesional (ie not personal) ones, got some ideas I can learn from. Over there even strangers comment.

For the arts fest I plan to help the class booth (duty) but seriously we should be more considerate than just that... if we just have a bunch of booths lying around it's going to be no fun at all. The people doing the real planning etc are somewhere else in the school. The people doing most of the work, however, are working on their class's... thingy.

If I were psl I could get this sort of stuff... not to mention something to do over the holidays.

Just recieved very very bad news about what's gonna happen on Monday when I don't have to go to school. Very bad news but I don't want to say what it is. I'm actually scared of it.

So... I'll save all my stuff about "next year we're year 2" until later. Too early to say.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

phs: she is so gonna get it
rahul: that sounds wrong
phs: she is going to go to hell
xuanji: with you
phs: alone
xuanji: that's what I said... alone with you

phs: Once there was this guy (points to rahul) who knew this guy (points to me) who knew this guy (points to himself) who knew this guy (points to someone and does so until) who knew this guy ..... and so on.....and so forth.....who knew this guy's cousin who knew this guy (points) who was married to a sea-bear (points to himself).